How to Recognise a Problem with Porn

Do you or someone close to you have a problem with porn? recognise porn problem
This page offers four ways to judge if internet pornography is causing a problem.
First, the arrival of the Brief Pornography Screener has simplified diagnosis down to only five questions, with an 80% reliability. It was designed by world leading neuroscientists and clinicians. You will find the instructions for using the test in the test itself.
Second, there is a simple video quiz you can take, courtesy of Gabe Deem at Reboot Nation.
Third, there is the Porn Consumption Scale shown below. It is based on the frequency and intensity of internet pornography consumption. Use the scale for self-assessment or to work with someone else to see if they are being harmed.
Porn Consumption Scale
The following table sets out some self-assessment guidance. It covers levels of porn consumption and the impact that it may be having on you and the people around you. It is not meant to cover every situation, but should help you think about where porn is in your life and if it is leading to problems. To assess how much porn you are consuming demands an honest conversation, even if it is only with yourself.
recognise porn problem
What is Happening?
I don’t seek out porn. When I see porn accidentally, I move away from it. I don’t think about porn the rest of the time.
Risk Rating
Internet porn is not a problem. You are in a strong position to help others who may have a problem consuming too much internet pornography.
What is Happening?
I seek out porn once a month or less, have one session consuming to orgasm and then get on with life. I don’t think about porn the rest of the time.
Risk Rating
Internet porn is not currently a problem. Within our society you are a social porn user. Watch yourself to see if it starts to increase. Is it right to look at human beings as just sex objects? Consider stop watching porn.
What is Happening?
I watch porn in social groups, but I don’t masturbate to it.
Risk Rating
Over consumption is not a problem, but watch out for porn changing the sort of sex you have. Are you taking more risks? Not using condoms or contraceptives? Mixing sex with drink or drugs?
What is Happening?
I seek out porn weekly. I like to masturbate to it by myself.
Risk Rating
There is potential here for brain training/conditioning and increasing consumption. Stop now before it becomes a problem.
What is Happening?
I watch porn most days. I masturbate to it once or twice a day.
Risk Rating
You have begun training your brain. There is potential to begin developing compulsive use and escalating. Stop now. If this is difficult, use the tools in this site or get other help to stop for abstinence and reboot.
What is Happening?
I watch lots of porn. I am copying what I see in porn, becoming more dominating and asking my partner to do more extreme things.
Risk Rating
You have learned things from porn that are getting in the way of your having a mutually caring, loving relationship with your partner. Your relationship is more important than watching porn. Stop watching porn now. Get help if you need it for abstinence and reboot.
What is Happening?
I don’t have a partner. I masturbate to porn most days, watching it for hours at a time and masturbating a lot.
Risk Rating
You have learned things from porn that are getting in the way of your having a mutually caring, loving relationship with your partner. Your relationship is more important than watching porn. Stop watching porn now. Get help if you need it for abstinence and reboot.
What is Happening?
I have a partner. I masturbate to porn most days, watching it for hours at a time and masturbating a lot. My performance (or lack of it) with my partner is causing me concern.
Risk Rating
You have trained your brain on porn. It may be ruining your relationship. Stop watching porn now. Get help from this site or from any of the other support organisations. Talk to a healthcare professional who understands the neuroscience behind porn-induced erectile dysfunction or is willing to look into it.
What is Happening?
I cannot have sex with a partner without watching porn at the same time.
Risk Rating
Porn addiction is strongly suggested. This is not what your body evolved to do. Stop watching porn now. Get help from this site or from any of the other support organisations for abstinence and reboot.
Fourth, men can take a simple physical test to help them identify whether or not internet porn is a major component of any sexual performance problems they may have. Here is the Sexual Performance Test for Men.
Remember that there is no real downside to experimenting with quitting porn. If it turns out you have become snared by it, is causing you real problems in your life and you cannot control your use, you will need help to stop. The recovery period can be rocky but there is a lot of help available for you to help regain your sexual health.
In conclusion, virtually all former users find life improves greatly after porn stops being a part of their life. Begin today!
The Reward Foundation does not offer therapy.
Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash