Mindfulness Stress ReductionMindfulness Stress Reduction

Thoughts are not who we are. They are changeable and dynamic. We can control them; they do not have to control us. They often become habits of thinking but we can change them  if they are not bringing us peace and contentment when we become aware of them. Thoughts are powerful in that they change the type of neurochemicals we produce in our brain and can, over time with enough repetition, affect its very structure. Mindfulness is a great way of letting us become aware of these subconscious  emotional drivers and how they are influencing our moods and feelings. We can take back control.

A Harvard Medical School study showed the following results where the subjects had been doing an average of 27 minutes mindfulness exercises per day:

• MRI scans showed decreased grey matter (nerve cells) in amygdala (anxiety)

• Increased grey matter in hippocampus – memory and learning

• Produced psychological benefits that persist throughout the day

• Reported reductions in stress

Thoughts are not who we are. They are changeable and dynamic. We can control them; they do not have to control us. They often become habits of thinking but we can change them  if they are not bringing us peace and contentment when we become aware of them. Thoughts are powerful in that they change the type of neurochemicals we produce in our brain and can, over time with enough repetition, affect its very structure. Mindfulness is a great way of letting us become aware of these subconscious  emotional drivers and how they are influencing our moods and feelings. We can take back control.

A Harvard Medical School study showed the following results where the subjects had been doing an average of 27 minutes mindfulness exercises per day:

• MRI scans showed decreased grey matter (nerve cells) in amygdala (anxiety)

• Increased grey matter in hippocampus – memory and learning

• Produced psychological benefits that persist throughout the day

• Reported reductions in stress

It is best to do a deep relaxation exercise first thing in the morning or late afternoon. Leave at least an hour after eating or do it before meals so that the process of digestion does not interfere with your relaxation. It’s a good idea to do it sitting upright on a chair with your spine straight but some people prefer doing it lying down. The only risk then is that you might fall asleep. You want to stay conscious so that you can release the stressful thoughts consciously. It is not hypnosis, you stay in control.

Below are some mindfulness meditations from the BBC.

Photo by madison lavern on Unsplash