Welcome to our special Valentine’s edition of Rewarding News. This edition is packed full of news, views and interviews. There are lots of tips on finding love and keeping it warm. Let’s make it a Valentine’s Day every day.
Mary Sharpe, CEO

How to find love…
We like to republish this story every year in case there are new readers who aren’t aware of it.
How to keep it…
Like swans, human beings are pair bonders and can mate for life, if we learn how to. We need regular physical contact of a gentle, loving kind to keep us healthy and connected to our loved ones longer term. Here are a range of bonding behaviours that do just that.
How we can help to keep our children safe…

Billie Eilish said pornography destroyed her brain. Pornography does not teach love. This is a real problem for children growing up in a pornified culture. Join this 3-day online summit (16-18 February 2022) Stronger Together: Protecting Children from Online Pornography run by Connecting to Protect. It brings together experts from around the world offering the latest information about how to tackle this problem. Both our CEO Mary Sharpe and Chair Dr Darryl Mead will be presenting at the event. Mary will talk about their new research paper on Problematic Pornography Use: Legal and Health Policy Considerations and speak in the panel about educating our children in schools on the risks around porn use. Darryl will give an update on the state of age verification legislation in 17 countries around the world.
How the UK government is trying to keep children safe…
Children and young people are experiencing terrible mental and physical health problems as a result of easy access to porn. On Safer Internet Day, Tuesday 8th February 2022, the UK government announced that the new Online Safety Bill will include age verification legislation for commercial pornography sites. This means that commercial pornography sites will be required to have a mechanism in place to check that potential users are 18 years or over. See our CEO Mary Sharpe talk about it on GB News TV.
Good, but not good enough

See our new blog about the downsides to the new age verification announcement.
Able to love again – a recovery story

When people quit porn, they free up their mind and body to be able to find love.
Here is a recent recovery story. See our resources about quitting porn. We always recommend that people learn more about how porn affects us by reading or listening to Gary Wilson’s best-selling book, “Your Brain on Porn- Internet Pornography and the Emerging Science of Addiction.”