Press Office

Key facts:
  • Of all activities on the internet, porn has the most potential to become addictive” say Dutch neuroscientists. To date, every neurological study (over 55) offers support for internet pornography fitting the addiction model including seven showing causality. In other words, remove the porn and the symptoms decrease or remit completely.
  • Porn-Induced Erectile Dysfunction: The more porn, the higher the risk of erectile dysfunction. Around 23% of men under-35 who responded to the survey had some level of erectile dysfunction when having sex with a partner.
  • Research by the British Board of Film Classification has found that in the UK 1.4 million children a month watch pornography. Fourteen years or younger was the age that 60 per cent of children first saw online porn. And 56 percent of 11 to 13-year-olds would like to be protected from ‘over-18’s’ material online.

We appreciate the value of journalists to make the wider public aware of the risks around the use of internet pornography especially for children. We are happy to help wherever possible to provide research, interviewees and context for stories.

Our main focus for now is the impact of internet pornography on mental and physical health, relationships, educational attainment and legal liability, particularly as regards children and adolescents.

Free lesson plans

The Reward Foundation has produced a set of free, integrated school lesson plans for youths aged 11 to 18 years on the subject of sexting and internet pornography. It is available in UK, International and American versions.

Free Parents’ Guide to Internet Pornography

We also have a regularly updated, free Parent’s Guide to support family education and discussions about pornography and sexting.


Our Chief Executive Officer, Mary Sharpe, Advocate, and the Chair of the charity, Dr Darryl Mead, are available for interview. If you are a journalist, call us on +44 7717 437 727. If you have a non-urgent enquiry, please contact [email protected].

Press Office Briefing Packs

Age Verification Legislation

Our latest Press Office briefing pack gives in-depth background on Why age verification legislation for pornography is necessary.

Press release for the Age Verification Conference, June 2020.

Final Report for the Age Verification Conference 2020.

Press Office